Jan 19, 2010


Voice is the life for every human being, especially for the singer, teacher, lawyer, but sometimes its condition will become very worst. They should take care of their voice always. The inflammation of throat including the pharynx and larynx causes ‘hoarseness of voice’. According to ayurveda, it is ‘svaravabheda’.

-         Infection
-         The intake of excess hot and cold drinks.
-         An abnormal growth and foreign material.
-         Infections of the lungs by tuberculosis etc. are the main factors responsible for the causation of svaravabheda.

-         The patient may not be able to speak easily.
-         There might be pain during speech.
-         It may be associated with fever and cough.
-         The tongue usually remains coated.
-         If the patient is constipated, the condition may be aggravated.

- The patient should be given the powder of madhuyasti in a dose of one tea spoonful 4 to 5 times a day along with honey.
- Gargling with irimedadi taila is very useful in this condition.
- Gargling with triphala kashaya also very useful.
- Khadiradi vati should be kept in mouth and chewed slowly.
-  I f patient had constipation, should be given the one teaspoonful of triphala powder along with hot water at bed time.
- Hot fomentation is useful in this condition.

            Garlic, black pepper, ginger, dry grapes and ghee in proper quantity useful in this condition.

-         The patient should avoid curd, other sour foods, fried foods, fatty foods and cold foods.
-         Shouldn’t use cold water.
-         The patient should not expose to cold wind and cold water.
-         Should avoid taking head bath for few days.

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