Jan 31, 2010


Indigestion is not a disease by itself. It is a symptom of many other diseases. It might be caused by some disturbances in the stomach or intestines. It might also be caused by some diseases in other parts of the body. One may suffer from indigestion by over eating or eating the wrong food in wrong manner.

-         A feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
-         Pain abdomen.
-         Nausea.
-         Vomiting.
-         Diarrhea.
-         Burning sensation in the chest.
-         Acid eructation.
-         Fatigue etc

According to ayurveda, this condition is called ‘agnimandya’ causes are aggravation of vata, pitta and kapha dosas. When vata is vitiated, there is more pain; when pitta is vitiated, there is more of burning sensation. When kapha is vitiated, there is more nausea and vomiting.
Psychic factors like anxiety, anger, worry plays an important role in the digestion of food. According to ayurveda, the food taken in proper time and in proper quantity does not get digested, if the individual is suffering from worry, anger, and anxiety etc. mental afflictions.


In ayurveda, both chronic and acute types of indigestion can be treated successfully. Treatment should be given depending upon the symptoms of indigestion.

-         Hingvastaka churna is best medicine for the indigestion. Hingvastaka churna should be given along with butter-milk after food at morning and afternoon. Night time, it should be taken along with 1st morsel of food.

Sanjeevini vati, lashunadi vati, kumaryasava, trikatu churna etc. ayurvedic medicines also there for indigestion, but one should take under the suggestion of doctor.


-         It is better to fast, and drink Luke warm water.
-         The patient should be given light diet.
-         Avoid the solid food and drink a glass of salt mixed lemon juice.
-         Drinking butter-milk which is mixed with a pinch of asafetida powder is very good in this condition.
-         Garlic is also healthy in indigestion.
-         Sleep after lunch, during day time should be avoided.
-         Should not awake at late night.
-         Patient should be free from anxieties and worries.
-         In acute indigestion, physical and mental rest is necessary, but in chronic indigestion the patient should do physical exercise.

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